Dec 13th, 7:30-10:30 Square Dance
Seattle's Trillium Stringband with Portland caller Amy Hofer will be hosting the December 13Quimper Grange Square Dance and Social! Trillium Stringband features Charmaine Slaven on fiddle, Aisling McCarron on banjo, & Brigid Blume on guitar. Between Amy Hofer and Trillium Stringband, come prepared to knock your socks off! Dancing starts at 7:30.
Amy Hofer will teach all dances; experience is not necessary. Our dances are family friendly, and open to all ages and experience levels. Partners are not necessary, so come by yourself, with a friend, with your family, or the whole block. Dancers are encouraged to bring their own personal water bottle, and snacks to share with other dancers if inclined. $5.00 adults; 16 and under free. For more information, call Dave Thielk 360-301-6005.
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Susannah Gals |
Annual Fundraiser Dance

Message From the President: 2014 A Year of Accomplishment at Quimper Grange
As the year draws to a close it is satisfying to look back on the many accomplishments of Quimper Grange. Our members take pride in the many ways we have served the community:
- We presented three well-attended educational programs this year: “Building a More Cooperative Economy”, “Growing Tomatoes in Port Townsend” and “Gardening With Less Water”. We thank the presenters who have donated their time and expertise to make these programs possible as well as those who have organized and publicized these events.
- Quimper Grange also sponsored the Third Annual Plant and Seed Exchange. Thanks go out to Jennimae Hilliard and Ashley Kehl who followed through on making this event a success despite the fact that they lost everything they owned in a house fire three days before.
- This
year Quimper Grange Food Bank Garden expanded by a third and grew a literal ton
(2,000 pounds) of food to help feed the hungry. A special thanks to Quimper
Grange member Jo Yount and Emily Stewart, volunteer coordinator from The Food
Bank Farm and Gardens of Jefferson County! Not only did food production
increase but also water use went down by 13,000 gallons. Congratulations!
- In addition we have sponsored eight square dances so far this year and by year’s end ten, including our annual fundraising New Year’s Eve dance. For this we thank Grange member Dave Thielk, organizer, musician and square dance caller, who is ever focused on building community.
- Lastly we sponsored the first Quimper Grange “House Concert” featuring story teller and multi-instrumentalist Kevin Carr. Thanks to Grange members Marla Streator and Chris Cooper.
You Renters and Donors!
year we have replaced our rotting single pane windows with low maintenance energy
efficient ones and we have replaced the kitchen faucet which was too far gone
to repair. For this we thank all of our renters and donors. Without your
financial support these improvements to our Grange hall would not be possible.
and Found - Claim Your Belongings
Quimper Grange Officers elected in November
President: Marla Streator
Vice President: Farren
Secretary: Deb Wiese
Treasurer: Lynn Taylor
Executive committee 3 year
term: Jenifer Taylor
Wiese has served as secretary for 2 years and has done an excellent job in this
capacity but would like to pass this role to someone else. So we are actively
seeking someone who would be willing to serve as Quimper Grange secretary.
Our “Lost and Found” bin is full. The deadline for picking up your lost belongings is January 1st. We'd love to reunite you with your "stuff".
November Squares, Lively Crowd and Great Music!
"The Possum Carvers" carved up a storm on fiddle banjo and guitar at the November Quimper Grange Square Dance. Dave Thielk called to an enthusiastic dance crowd.