Square Dance, Contra Dance, Building a More Cooperative Economy II, Rodney Miller Concert, Day of Caring, Revised Mission and Goals, Members Quimper Grange Food Bank Garden Tour, Fun Committee

October 28th, Wed, 7:30 PM


Workshop following day, Oct 29th, 7:00

"Rodney Miller was designated a "Master Fiddler" in 1983 by the NationalEndowment for the Arts. He is widely considered to be the foremost exponent of New England style fiddling, a uniquely American blend of French Canadian and Celtic influences. Over the past 35 years, he has toured the U.S., British Isles, Australia and Denmark, performed and taught at hundreds of music and dance festivals, and recorded over ten fiddle albums." www.rodneymiller.net

Keyboardist, Jeff Spero, will accompany Rodney. Jeff is one of the premier dance pianists on the West Coast. Known for his energetic style and creative arrangements, Jeff has brought his talents to dances and festivals throughout the nation. He plays with a number of bands, including the Syncopaths.

Suggested donation for the concert is $20.00. Sliding scale donation accepted as well. Children and teens, free.
This event is cosponsored by Quimper Grange.

The Oct 29th workshop will be held at the home of Libby Reid, at 7 PM. There is limited space so make a reservation now. Cost: $30. Sliding scale donation will be accepted as well. Kids welcome. For reservations and information contact Libby Reid: lreid@cablespeed.com 360-301-3584


Quimper Grange Food Bank Garden got lots of TLC from United Good Neighbors' " Day of Caring" volunteers on Sept 18th. Fourteen people rolled up their sleeves and got to work. They weeded, built a fence, and spread mulch; they composted plants that had already been harvested and they prepared beds for winter crops. The garden not only looks better but is ready to produce more food. Thank you volunteers!

Quimper Grange Mission and Goals Revised
Three years ago Quimper Grange members decided to define our reason to be and clarify our goals. Our mission and goals have not changed, however we have streamlined the wording:

Quimper Grange Mission:
To foster community connection and resilience through educational programs and social events as well as maintaining our historically significant Grange hall.

·     To provide educational programs.
·     To encourage local sustainable agriculture .
·     To create a vibrant live music and dance community.
·     To support cooperative principles.
·     To collaborate with other Granges and organizations that share our values.
·     To author resolutions and legislation reflecting the collective voice of Quimper Grange members.
·     To build Quimper Grange membership.
Deb Wiese holds sunflower halo for Jo Yount

Quimper Grange Members
Tour Garden 

An addition to Quimper Grange's September business meeting was a tour of Quimper Grange Food Bank Garden with Jo Yount.  Jo has a passion for growing food for the hungry and has been doing so even before combining her efforts with Jefferson County Food Bank Farm and Garden volunteers. Those who attended saw tomatoes, basil and peppers growing in the new hoop house, an irrigation system that was installed earlier this year and a whole lot of vegetables growing. So far this year Quimper Grange Food Bank Garden has harvested almost 2,000 pounds of produce, as much as the entire year of 2014. And there is still more to come: squash, carrots, kale, beets, tomatoes, basil and much more. Thanks for the tour Jo!

Farren want you to have fun!
Quimper Grange President Appoints "Fun Committee" Chair
Just for fun Quimper Grange president Marla Streator has appointed Quimper Grange Vice President, Farren, chairperson of a committee dedicated to dreaming up fun events for our Grange members.  Starting in October she is coordinating themed potlucks for Grange members and invitees. There is also talk of Grange member outings in the future. Stay tuned.

October 10, 8:00 Square Dance with Amy Hofer and Trillium Stringband

Seattle's Trillium Stringband with Portland caller Amy Hofer will be hosting the October 10 Quimper Grange Square Dance and Social! Trillium Stringband features Charmaine Slaven on fiddle, Aisling McCarron on banjo, & Brigid Blume on guitar. Between Amy Hofer and Trillium Stringband, come prepared to knock your socks off! Dancing starts at 8:00.
Amy Hofer can call anywhere!

Amy Hofer will teach all dances; experience is not necessary. Our dances are family friendly, and open to all ages and experience levels. Partners are not necessary, so come by yourself, with a friend, with your family, or the whole block. Dancers are encouraged to bring their own personal water bottle, and snacks to share with other dancers if inclined.. Quimper Grange, 1219 Corona in Port Townsend. $6.00 adults; 16 and under free. For more information, call Dave Thielk 360-301-6005.

October 17, 7:30 

Contra Dance with Eric Curl and the P.T. Cruisers!

Come and dance with us on Saturday October 17. The P.T. Cruisers play while Eric Curl calls. We start at 7:30 and end about 10:30. $6.00 fee, $3.00 for those 3 to 18 years, free for under 3. The Quimper Grange is located at 1219 Corona St., in Port Townsend.

October 19th, 7:00 "Building a More Cooperative Economy": Worker-Owned Cooperatives

The second annual “Building a More Cooperative Economy” program at Quimper Grange will focus on the nuts and bolts of starting or converting a business to a worker-owned cooperative. The panel discussion, on Monday,
October 19, honors National Cooperative Month and features Deborah Craig, cooperative development specialist for the Northwest Cooperative Development Center (NWCDC) in Olympia, as well as local representatives from worker-owned cooperatives.

Robert Yourish
In addition to Craig, panelists are Robert: Sunshine Propane chief financial officer, Port Hadlock; and Kippi Waters, chair of the board of directors of the newly forming Peninsula Homecare Cooperative, Port Townsend.
A new cooperative in the making: Peninsula Homecare Cooperative

Panelists will address why cooperatives and why now, as well as outlining the help that NWCDC can provide to start-up cooperative businesses.
The suggested donation for this Grange-sponsored event is $5-10. For more information, call Deb Wiese, 360-385-1928.

The Grange is a national organization promoting agricultural and thriving rural communities. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, Granges established consumer cooperatives and continue to promote cooperative businesses. NWCD (http://nwcdc.coop/) is a nonprofit organization devoted to assisting new and existing cooperative businesses, from daycare centers to credit unions, in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Hawaii.