With our Merv-13 filtration system, we feel confident having our events. Please stay home if you are not feeling well or may have been exposed! See each event for COVID precautions.
Mark your calendars with these popular upcoming events (see below for more info)!
Sun Jan 14 CANCELLED DUE TO ICY ROADS - Second Sunday Social Dance with Jill and Kevin with The Other Guys
Wed Jan 10 17 24, and 31 Balkan Dancing Wednesdays (all but first Weds)
Help needed! (volunteer position)
Someone to publish our newsletter and webpage. We use Mail chimp and Blogger. If you are computer savvy and don’t know these we can give you training!
All information and photos sent to you, you just populate and send/publish.
Takes 3-4 hours, and is done in the last few days of each month for the next month.
Interested? Write to Quimpergrange @ gmail.com Subject: newsletter help
The last one will be February if we don't get help! Thank you!
2024 Events
April 20 7pm Balkan Bash! Music and singing and dancing
Joe Finn, violin . Dina Tageser, vocals . Michael Lawson, accordion and vocals
Come listen and/or come dance! Sliding scale $5-$20
Our acoustic concerts are $20. Enjoy the intimate setting!
April 28th 7pm Kalos Celtic Roots Music with Energy and Pulse
Ryan McKasson, Eric McDonald and Jeremiah McLane are masters of tradition who create a sound compelling enough to transcend boundaries and appeal to music lovers of all stripes. KPTZ co-presents! www.kalosband.com
May 11th 7pm Maire Ni Chathasaigh and Chris Newman Irish Harp and Guitar
Maire Ni Chathasaigh, considered one of Ireland’s most important and influential traditional musicians, and Chris Newman, “one of the UK’s greatest guitarists” (BBC RADIO 2), have toured in twenty-three countries with their distinctive mix of traditional Irish music, hot jazz, bluegrass and baroque - and striking new compositions. KPTZ co-presents! www.mairenichathasaigh.com/
Regular Events
Wed Jan 10 17 24, and 31 - Balkan Dance Wednesdays - 7 pm, $5 entry. Richard and Susi Watson host. Evenings start mellow and progress to intermediate.
Sunday Jan 14 CANCELLED DUE TO ICY ROADS - Second Sunday Social Dance with Jill and Kevin with The Other Guys playing for your dancing pleasure!
Entry is by donation; masking optional. 6:30-8:30.
Food Bank Garden News
The Quimper Grange Food Bank Garden is one of the few Food Bank Growers gardens to produce crops throughout the winter for our local food banks. We are very proud to announce our year end totals for 2023:
Total Donated Produce = 2,437 pounds – the highest production by an all-volunteer workforce of all the Food Bank Growers’ gardens
Total Volunteer Hours = 2,038 hours – the most volunteer hours of any garden (and one of the happiest crews!)
This winter, we are trying a variety of new ways to grow more greens to expand our donations of nutrient-rich greens into our community. If you have experience in this area, we’d love to hear from you. Stay tuned for reports on our experiments!
ALL the produce grown at this garden is donated to food banks and other similar entities to enhance food security in our area. Contact FoodBankGrowers@gmail.com to volunteer at this garden or one near you.
Grange Membership
Support your local Grange! Become a member! Keep the doors open to our community! Meetings occur the third Sunday of the month, at 7:00 pm at the Quimper Grange hall. Come at 6:30 and meet some of the group, and learn about activities, concerts and new projects we’re considering. Download and print our brochure (from www.quimpergrange.com membership tab and scroll down) and mail to: Quimper Grange - 1219 Corona Ave, Port Townsend, WA 98368.
Building Rentals
Rent our Grange Hall for your event or meeting. We have an excellent air filtration system and a beautiful interior. Contact Doug at quimpergrange@gmail.com and arrange for an orientation. Check the Calendar of Events on our website, quimpergrange.com for available dates and more info or leave a message at 360-531-0326.
Your support keeps the Grange hall open to offer music, dance, community events, and private rentals. Checks made out to “Quimper Grange #720” can be mailed to 1219 Corona Ave., Port Townsend WA 98368.
See you soon!