February 2025

  With our Merv-13 air filtration system, we feel confident hosting our events. 
Please stay home if you are not feeling well! See each event for health precautions.

Mark your calendars with these February events - see below for more info... 

  • Feb. 11th - Food For Thought presents: Pruning Tips for Apples, Pears, & Plums with Master Gardener Doug Van Allen.
  • Feb. 15th - JeffCo Repair Event - free community gathering where individuals can bring their broken belongings to be repaired by local volunteers with a variety of skills and knowledge.
  • Feb. 22nd - Early Music at the Grange presents: Schola Galante. Performing music by Hasse, Schaffrath, Graun, & more.
  • Wednesdays, Feb. 12th, 19th, & 26th - Balkan Dancing.
  • Sundays, Feb. 2nd, 16th, & 23rd - Beginning Line Dance. Mondays, Feb. 17th, & 24th - Intermediate Line Dance.


    FEBRUARY 2025

    Pruning Tips for Apples, Pears, & Plums 
    with Doug Van Allen

    This month’s presentation will cover pruning apple, pear, Asian pear, and Italian plum trees (which take place during winter dormancy). Most stone fruit trees (such as cherries & peaches) are pruned in the summer after the fruit is picked and when conditions are dry.

    Come and learn about which tools and techniques are the best for thinning both healthy and unhealthy branches. Doug will also speak to the pros & cons of using extension pruners which have a good reach if you want to stay on the ground vs. a ladder.

    Doug will cover the differences between thinning cuts and heading cuts and what to pay attention to when making those cuts. Also covered will be the 4 D's of pruning, tool safety, sanitation and why it's important to keep light & air flowing through the limbs. Q & A will follow.

    Tuesday, February 11th, 2025

    6:30-7:30 p.m.

    Doors open at 6:15 • All Are Welcome

    Quimper Grange, 1219 Corona Ave.

    Port Townsend, WA 98368

    ADA access and 

    an outstanding Merv-13 air filtration system.

    Food For Thought is a free series offered by the Quimper Grange #720, will examine ‘’all things food” in our area. For over 100 years, this Grange has supported the Jefferson County community through public programming, concerts, dance, rental space, and a 7,000 sq.ft. all-volunteer garden which donates produce to help food insecurity around our county.

    Did you know? A pamphlet titled “The National Grange in Favour of Votes for Women” endorsed women’s suffrage and included testimonies by Grange leaders in favor of universal suffrage.

    JeffCo Repair - 
    a Port Townsend Repair Event

    Join JeffCo Repair for this free community event where people with repair skills share their time & talents to fix their neighbors’ belongings. Bring your toaster that no longer toasts, sweater with a hole in the elbow, and excitement to get these belongings repaired while also learning how the repairs are made and ways you could do it yourself next time! At this Port Townsend Repair Event, we will have volunteers donating their time to help repair:
    • Small appliances/electronics
    • Textiles/clothes
    • Bicycles
    • Tools needing sharpening
    • and other household items
    All are welcome…everyone has broken stuff, which needs repairing!


    Saturday, February 15th, 2025
    1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
    All Ages • Free
    Quimper Grange
    1219 Corona Ave., Port Townsend, WA 98368

    Early Music at the Grange presents...

    Schola Galante

    Chamber Music from the
    Court of Frederick the Great, 1740 - 1786

    Ensemble Schola Galante members are left to right:
    Dahti Blanchard, Lee Inman, Miguel Rodé, & Douglass Hjelm

    Schola Galante will be performing music by Hasse, Schaffrath, Graun, and a seldom-performed trio by Johann Quantz for three Baroque flutes.

    Saturday, February 22nd, 2025
    2:00 pm
    Doors open at 1:30 pm
    Admission: $20

    Music students of high-school age or younger
    may attend for free! Please consider masking.

    Quimper Grange, 1219 Corona Ave.
    Port Townsend, WA 98368

    The Grange has ADA access and
    an outstanding Merv-13 air filtration system.

    Balkan Dances

    Wednesdays, Feb. 12th, 19th, & 26th

    Every Wednesday except the first Wed. of the month. No partner needed. 
    Evenings start with mellow dances & progress to intermediate. Fast paced & fun! 
    Richard & Susi Watson host. 7:00 pm, $5 entry.

    Beginning Line Dance
    No Experience Necessary • Drop-ins Welcome
    Every Sunday at 1:00 p.m.
    Class dates For February will be Sunday the 2nd, 16th, & 23rd.
    90 minute class • $10 Suggested Donation
    For more info: 360-302-0188

    Intermediate Line Dance Class
    This class is not for beginners - one should have some line dance experience before attending.
    Every Monday at 6:00 p.m.
    Class dates For February will be Monday the 17th, & 24th.
    90 minute class • $10 Suggested Donation
    For more info: 360-302-0188


    by Mary Beth Haralovich

    While garden production decreases in the winter, in the month of January so far, Grange Food Bank Garden delivered 66 pounds of produce, including carrots, stir fry mix and micro-greens.

    GREAT NEWS: The Quimper Grange Food Bank Garden received a $2,500 dollar grant from the Food Co-op Farmer’s Fund toward the build of a raised garden bed, accessible to people in wheelchairs and people for whom kneeling or standing can be a challenge. The bed will be in the shape of a letter ‘E' with two inserts for wheel chairs. The edges of the bed will be wide enough that someone can sit and lean into the bed. This will make the full range of gardening experience available for weeding, planting, & harvesting.

    If you are in the neighborhood of 1219 Corona St. on Tuesday or Friday 1:00-3:00, please stop by for a tour of what we're doing this fall and winter. Something is always happening in the Garden!


    Grange Membership
    Support your local Grange! Become a member! Help keep the hall open for community 
    events, concerts, dances and rentals! Meetings occur the third Sunday of the month, 3:30 p.m. at the Quimper Grange Hall. Come to meet members and learn about activities, concerts and new projects we’re considering. Download and print our brochure from our website: quimpergrange.com at the Membership Information tab and mail to:

    Quimper Grange, 1219 Corona Ave, Port Townsend, WA 98368.

    Building Rentals
    Rent our Grange Hall for your event or meeting. We have an excellent air filtration system and a beautiful interior. 

    1. Check our website under Calendar of Events” to see if the date you want is available.  
    2. Email quimpergrange@gmail.com or Call Doug at 360-531-0326.
    3. An orientation to the building will follow for potential renters.  
    Your support keeps the Grange Hall maintained and open to offer music, dance, community events, and private rentals. Your help also supports the food bank garden with water and electricity bills. Checks made out to “Quimper Grange #720” can be mailed to 1219 Corona Ave, Port Townsend WA 98368.
    See you at the Quimper Grange!

    With our Merv-13 air filtration system, we feel confident hosting our events. 
    Please stay home if you are not feeling well! See each event for health precautions.

    Mark your calendars with these January events - see below for more info... 

    • Jan. 7th - Ukuleles Unite: Open Mic & Sing Along.
    • Jan. 8th, 15th, 22nd, & 29th - Balkan Dancing. 
    • Jan. 14th - Food for Thought: The Secret Life of Shellfish.


    Ukuleles Unite: Open Mic & Sing Along

    Ukuleles Unite gatherings are open to the public. Join us to listen or sing along. We are a warm, happy group, and have loaner ukes for you to strum along.

    Tuesday, January 7th, 2025
    5:00-6:30 pm
    Admission is free!
    Quimper Grange is located at 1219 Corona Ave.
    Port Townsend, WA 98368

    Ukuleles Unite also ‘Rendezvous' at the Grace Lutheran Church on Walker St. in Port Townsend, at 1:00-3:00 pm. The next Rendezvous dates are: January 18th & March 15th, 2025. For more information, contact George Yount, at (360) 477-5788 or gyount@olypen.com

    Balkan Dances

    Wednesdays, Jan. 8th, 15th, 22nd, & 29th

    Every Wednesday except the first Wed. of the month. No partner needed. Evenings start with mellow dances & progress to intermediate. Fast paced & fun! Richard & Susi Watson host. 7:00 pm, $5 entry.

    The Secret Life of Shellfish
    presented by Gordon King & Molly Jackson
    of Taylor Shellfish

    Gordon King of Taylor Shellfish will present the historical significance of bivalves as a food source – the millennia of tribal usage and its current status today. Gordon will reference the known history of shellfish aquaculture & USA history, its importance to the economy & for employment, and why it has been relatively successful.    

    Molly Jackson, also from Taylor Shellfish, will discuss the technical side of the industry; their oyster breeding program, and some of the genetic work involved. 

    Taylor Shellfish is committed to clean water issues, like ocean acidification which is a major threat to our shellfish. We have been on the forefront of the issue since it surfaced in our shellfish hatcheries a few years ago, decimating our baby oysters. All Taylor Shellfish products are certified by Food Alliance, a sustainable agriculture third-party certifier.

    “He was a bold man who first ate an oyster.” ~ Jonathan Swift

    Tuesday, Jan. 14th, 6:30-7:30 pm
    Doors open at 6:15 pm

    Quimper Grange is located at 1219 Corona Ave,
    Port Townsend, WA 98368

    The Grange has ADA access and 
    an outstanding Merv-13 air filtration system.

    'Food For Thought' is a free monthly lecture series that is open to all. Quimper Grange is located at 1219 Corona St. Doors open at 6:15; there will be time afterwards to socialize.

    Did you know? 24th St. and Haines St. in Port Townsend is the site of the Henry Miller family farm chicken house, an early location of Port Townsend’s Quimper Grange.


    Thursday, 26th December 2024

    Jo Yount tries out ‘her’ bench, dedicated in honor of her years of work

    in the Quimper Grange Food Bank Garden.

    What an amazing day it was. Brent Bellamy from the Community Boat Project (CBP) and his crew of ten hard workers arrived at the Quimper Grange Food Bank Garden loaded down with a beautiful handmade arbor and gorgeous bench, complete with a hand-forged plaque honoring Jo Yount, founding mother of the garden. Five QG Garden volunteers joined them to achieve this beautiful installation.

    In addition to designing, planning and building the arbor and bench, the CBP students hand-carved beautiful flowers and sunny images to decorate this arbor, the wood all scrap pieces from their supplies. The wood on the very substantial bench contains end pieces also used to make improvements on the schooner Adventuress.

    Food Bank Growers volunteers at the dedication to Jo Yount.

    This is not the first project that this crew has built for Food Bank Growers' gardens. The Boat School Garden (just uphill from the CBP shop) was gifted a lovely wash station that they built. Blessings Garden (Umatilla St.) also received a wash station built to order. And Fairwinds Food Bank Garden received a much-needed storage shed.

    The Community Boat Project equips teens and young adults with the critical skills needed for personal and professional success. They unanimously affirm with two thumbs up that they have brilliantly achieved this with their creations.

    Community Boat Project Volunteers and Staff enjoying their completed project.


    by Barbara Tusting

    The raised beds financed by the Noon Rotary have produced so many wonderful vegetables so far! We still have many pounds of carrots that we'll be pulling out in January and February, Some brilliant purple cabbages, endive, arugula, radish, and other greens that thrive in the cooler months. We're hoping that our beautiful purple sprouting broccoli will survive the cutworms that are threatening so many of our plants in the brassica and mustard families.

    Yes, cutworms. An ugly striped caterpillar that will clean out an entire crop in a matter of days. One way to prevent the devastation is to hand dig around each infested plant and pull them out of the soil (they're pretty easy to find); another is to apply an organic spray that will not harm any human or other insect besides the targeted pest. We are, so far, opting for the hand dig method, depending upon stalwart winter volunteers to do the job. We are also doing a trial with some plants surrounded by a collar and others not.

    To date, the Quimper Grange garden is one of only a few gardens that has reportable numbers of donations to the food bank during the winter. We're hoping that one or two more gardens join us this season for winter growing, but this garden is one of the few lucky ones to have THREE hoop houses! They really do make a huge difference.

    Happy New Year to One & All. Come by the garden any Tuesday or Friday, 1:00-3:00 pm to see what keeps us happy throughout the growing season!


    Grange Membership
    Support your local Grange! Become a member! Help keep the hall open for community 
    events, concerts, dances and rentals! Meetings occur the third Sunday of the month, 3:30 pm at the Quimper Grange Hall. Come at 3:00 pm to meet members, learn about activities, proposed events, and new projects we’re considering. Download and print our brochure from our website: quimpergrange.com at the Membership Information tab and mail to:

    Quimper Grange, 1219 Corona Ave, Port Townsend, WA 98368.

    Building Rentals
    Rent our Grange Hall for your event or meeting. We have an excellent air filtration system and a beautiful interior. 

    1. Check our website under “Calendar of Events” to see if the date you want is available.  
    2. Call Doug at 360-531-0326; or write to quimpergrange@gmail.com
    3. An orientation to the building will follow for potential renters.  
    Your support keeps the Grange Hall maintained and open to offer music, dance, community events, and private rentals. Your help also supports the food bank garden with water and electricity bills. Checks made out to “Quimper Grange #720” can be mailed to 1219 Corona Ave, Port Townsend WA 98368.
    See you at the Quimper Grange!

    December 2024

    With our Merv-13 air filtration system, we feel confident hosting our events. Please stay home if you are not feeling well! See each event for health precautions.

    Mark your calendars with these December events - see below for more info... 

    • Dec. 3rd - Ukuleles Unite: Open Mic & Sing Along.
    • Dec. 8th - Second Sunday Social Dance & Dessert Potluck with Danceable Recorded Holiday Tunes. Final social dance presented by Cheri & Doug Partner Dance.
    • Dec. 10th - Food for Thought Lecture Series: Mocktails from the Garden.
    • Wednesdays Dec. 11th and 18th - Balkan Dancing (except first Wed. of the month). 


      Ukuleles Unite: Open Mic & Sing Along

      Ukuleles Unite gatherings are open to the public. Join us to listen or sing along. We are a warm, happy group, and have loaner ukes for you to strum along.

      Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024
      5:00-6:30 pm
      Admission is free!
      Quimper Grange is located at 1219 Corona Ave.,
      Port Townsend, WA 98368

      Ukuleles Unite also ‘Rendezvous' at the Grace Lutheran Church on Walker St. in Port Townsend, at 1:00-3:00 pm. The next Rendezvous dates are: January 18th & March 15th, 2025. For more information, contact George Yount, at (360) 477-5788 or gyount@olypen.com

      Second Sunday Social Dance 
      & Dessert Potluck!
      with Danceable Recorded Holiday Tunes

      Sunday, December 8th, 2024
      6:30-8:30 pm
      Admission by donation
      Presented by Cheri & Doug Partner Dance

      SPECIAL NOTE: Time Marches On. This is the final social dance presented by Cheri and Doug. All proceeds from this November dance, and this Holiday Music party will be matched by $500 from Doug+Barbara+Cheri+Rocky, gifting all donations to the Recovery Cafe, a Dove House Advocacy Service.

      We are proud to have served this community for over twelve (!) years with free partner dance lessons and monthly community dances. We hope to see you on the dance floor - maybe YOU can show US some new moves!

      Mocktails from the Garden
      presented by Heidi Haney 
      of Tipsy Gypsy Mobile Bar Services

      Heidi Haney, the owner of Tipsy Gypsy Mobile Bar Services, invites you to join her for an exciting “mocktail mixology” demonstration, perfectly timed for your holiday celebrations! Discover how to elevate your mocktails with unique flavors and complexities using fresh ingredients from your garden, along with creative combinations. Plus, Heidi will share the delightful boozy versions to add to your repertoire.

      Tipsy Gypsy is passionate about crafting unforgettable experiences that bring people together. As a mobile bar service, they specialize in catering to weddings, private parties, and special events where every moment counts. Their team of expert mixologists and event coordinators work tirelessly to create customized cocktails, wine pairings, and exceptional service that will leave your guests in awe. From intimate wine tastings to wine excursions, they will take you on a journey of discovery and delight. Whether you're celebrating a milestone, hosting a corporate event, or simply gathering with friends, they will help you create an atmosphere that's as unique as you are. With Tipsy Gypsy, you can expect exceptional quality, attention to detail, and a dash of whimsy that will make your event truly unforgettable. Let them help you raise a glass to the moments that matter most.

      Tuesday, Dec. 10th, 6:30 pm
      Doors open at 6:15 pm

      The Grange has ADA access and an outstanding Merv-13 air filtration system.

      Quimper Grange is located at 1219 Corona Ave.,
      Port Townsend, WA 98368

      Food For Thought, a free series offered by Quimper Grange #720, will examine "all things food" in our area. For over 100 years, the Quimper Grange has supported the Jefferson County community through public programming, concerts, dance, rental space, and a 7,000 SF all-volunteer Food Bank Growers garden. Quimper Grange is located at 1219 Corona Ave, Port Townsend, WA 98368. 

      Did You Know? Supported by rural areas and the Grange, the State of Washington adopted prohibition in 1914, five years before the 18th Amendment was ratified in 1919. The State of Washington repealed its prohibition laws a year before the 21st Amendment repealed the Volstead Act.

      Balkan Dances

      Wednesdays: Dec. 11th and 18th

      Every Wednesday except the first Wed. of the month. No partner needed. Evenings start with mellow dances & progress to intermediate. Fast paced & fun! Richard & Susi Watson host. 7:00 pm, $5 entry. 


      by Mary Beth Haralovich

      Winter in the garden is a time of transition.

      In November we laid cover cloth to protect the outdoor beds from winter storms. In the hoop houses, we planted nutritious greens, radishes, turnips for winter harvests. We are saving seeds from summer producers and planting cover crops to nurture the soils over the winter.

      Throughout the winter, we continue harvesting beautiful big carrots, bags of stir fry mix and hardy herbs. 

      In December, in addition to regular garden maintenance and harvest, we have two projects. One is development of the perennial bed with rain water harvesting, hugelkultur, native plants, pollinators, and a place of respite for volunteers. The other is to start planning for early Spring planting and a Spring plant sale (stay tuned for date!) - seedlings on heat mats and under lights, and watch them grow.

      If you are in the neighborhood of 1219 Corona St. on Tuesday or Friday 1:00-3:00, please stop by for a tour of what we're doing this fall and winter. Something is always happening!


      Grange Membership
      Support your local Grange! Become a member! Help keep the hall open for community 
      events, concerts, dances and rentals! Meetings occur the third Sunday of the month, 3:30 pm at the Quimper Grange Hall. Come at 3:15 to meet members and learn about activities, concerts and new projects we’re considering. Download and print our brochure from our website: quimpergrange.com at the Membership Information tab and mail to:

      Quimper Grange, 1219 Corona Ave, Port Townsend, WA 98368.

      Building Rentals
      Rent our Grange Hall for your event or meeting. We have an excellent air filtration system and a beautiful interior. 

      1. Check our website under “Calendar of Events” to see if the date you want is available.  
      2. Call Doug at 360-531-0326; or write to quimpergrange@gmail.com
      3. An orientation to the building will follow for potential renters.  
      Your support keeps the Grange Hall maintained and open to offer music, dance, community events, and private rentals. Your help also supports the food bank garden with water and electricity bills. Checks made out to “Quimper Grange #720” can be mailed to 1219 Corona Ave, Port Townsend WA 98368.
      See you at the Quimper Grange!

      November 2024

       With our Merv-13 air filtration system, we feel confident hosting our events. Please stay home if you are not feeling well! See each event for health precautions.

      Mark your calendars with these November events - see below for more info... 

      • Nov. 9th - JeffCo Repair Event - free community gathering where individuals can bring their broken belongings to be repaired by local volunteers with a variety of skills and knowledge.
      • Nov. 10th - Second Sunday Social Dance with The Alternators. Presented by Cheri & Doug Partner Dance.
      • Nov. 12th - Food for Thought Lecture Series:  Regenerative Communities - Care for the Earth, Care for the People, Care for the Future presented by Bear.
      • Wednesdays Nov. 13th, 20th, & 27th - Balkan Dancing (all but first Wed. of the month). 


      JeffCo Repair - 
      Port Townsend Repair Event

      Join JeffCo Repair for this free community event where people with repair skills share their time & talents to fix their neighbors’ belongings. Bring your toaster that no longer toasts, sweater with a hole in the elbow, and excitement to get these belongings repaired while also learning how the repairs are made and ways you could do it yourself next time! At this Port Townsend Repair Event, we will have volunteers donating their time to help repair:
      • Small appliances/electronics
      • Textiles/clothes
      • Bicycles
      • Tools needing sharpening
      • and other household items
      All are welcome…everyone has broken stuff, which needs repairing!

      Saturday, November 9th, 2024
      10:00 am - 1:00 pm
      All Ages • Free
      Quimper Grange
      1219 Corona Ave., Port Townsend, WA 98368

      Second Sunday Social Dance 

      with The Alternators

      This high-energy acoustic trio consists of fiddle wizard Peter Evasic and his accomplices, George Radebaugh on accordion/piano and Gary Romjue on guitar. They play a mix of Irish, Zydeco, Gypsy, Django swing, polkas and waltzes and more. The Alternators frequently play festivals, weddings, performance spaces around western Washington and are guaranteed to get your inner dancer moving even if you sit there nonchalantly tapping your foot.

      Sunday, November 10th, 6:30-8:30 pm
      Admission by donation
      Presented by Cheri & Doug Partner Dance

      SPECIAL NOTE: Time Marches On. This is the final live music dance presented by Cheri and Doug. All proceeds from this November dance, and our Holiday Music party on December 8th will be matched by $500 from Doug+Barbara+Cheri+Rocky, gifting all donations to the Recovery Cafe.

      We are proud to have served this community for over twelve (!) years with free partner dance lessons and monthly community dances. We hope to see you on the dance floor - maybe YOU can show US some new moves!

      Regenerative Communities - 
      Care for the Earth, Care for the People,  
      Care for the Future
      presented by Bear

      This Food for Thought presentation helps us to understand permaculture ethics and how they can guide us to build healthier communities and ecosystems. Let's get back to our roots by reconnecting and tending our relationships with ourselves, each other and the planet. 

      Bear (they/them) is a Queer Disabled Regenerative Business Owner, dedicated to decolonizing and healing ecosystems we call home. Bear's Magic involves art, community healing, tending to the dead and the living. Currently attending a two year PINA Program called Earth Activist Training to receive their Advanced Permaculture Design certificate and Regenerative Land Management Diploma.

      They own Earth Benders, a mindful land stewardship business for regenerative landscaping and agriculture management. Need help designing or maintaining land projects?  E-mail Bear at bearthefarmer@gmail.com.

      Tuesday, Nov. 12th, 6:30-7:30 pm
      Doors open at 6:15 pm
      All Are Welcome
      The Grange has ADA access and an outstanding Merv-13 air filtration system.

      Quimper Grange is located at 1219 Corona Ave.,
      Port Townsend, WA 98368.

      Food For Thought, a free series offered by Quimper Grange #720, will examine "all things food" in our area. For over 100 years, the Quimper Grange has supported the Jefferson County community through public programming, concerts, dance, rental space, and a 7,000 SF all-volunteer Food Bank Growers garden. Quimper Grange is located at 1219 Corona Ave, Port Townsend, WA 98368. 

      Granges (derived from ‘grain’ or ‘granja’ [farm]) were grassroots organizations that sprung up across the US in the 1860's to build strength and community among rural farmers. For over 100 years, the Quimper Grange has supported the Jefferson County community through public programming, concerts, dance, rental space, and a 7,000 sq. ft. all-volunteer Food Bank Growers garden, donating over 2,000 lbs. of fresh produce annually to food banks and other entities around our area.

      Did you know? The Quimper Grange’s first songbook was “Grange Melodies” published in 1891. It celebrated growing with songs like “The Farmer Feeds Us All” and “Cultivator” and “The Hand That Holds the Bread.”

      Balkan Dances

      Wednesdays: November 13th, 20th, & 27th

      Every Wednesday except the first Wed. of the month. No partner needed. Evenings start with mellow dances & progress to intermediate. Fast paced & fun! Richard & Susi Watson host. 7:00 pm, $5 entry. 


      Tech help needed! Please show us how to set up both a Facebook and an Instagram page 
      and teach us how to maintain, we just need help to get started in the right format! 
      Senior project? Goodness of your heart, or ???

      Please contact us at quimpergrange@gmail.com
      You will receive back our undiminishing respect and admiration, plus a mention (if appropriate) of your business or personage in our next newsletter.


      by Barbara Tusting

      As the days get colder and wetter, we are turning our attention to indoor work. We are still planting some cover crops on the fallow beds, but a number of beds have been planted to produce in the winter, spring, and even into the summer. Those beds we've covered with a product called Remay, or cover cloth. This will help our veggies stay alive unless it gets REALLY cold (into the 20s and below), then we'll just throw a big tarp over it.

      Our first harvests of sweet potatoes this fall have been exciting and rewarding. Those grown inside one of our hoop houses will need to be harvested soon to make way for winter greens. We can hardly wait to see what's underground.

      We added large pots down the center of two of our hoop houses in which we can expand our growing this winter. JJ just finished hooking those up to our irrigation system, which is now shut off for the winter (except inside the hoop houses). 

      Another new idea at the Grange garden, based on successful mushroom growing at Salish Garden, is a bed of Red Wine Cap mushrooms. Everyone had a hand in the spreading of spores; we probably won't know if it's successful until late summer. Good things are worth waiting for. 

      Spreading spawn-laden sawdust over the mushroom bed
      Spreading spawn-laden sawdust over the mushroom bed.

      If you are in the neighborhood of 1219 Corona St on Tuesday or Friday 1:00-3:00, please stop by for a tour of what we're doing this fall and winter. Something is always happening!


      Grange Membership
      Support your local Grange! Become a member! Help keep the hall open for community 
      events, concerts, dances and rentals! Meetings occur the third Sunday of the month, 7:00 pm at the Quimper Grange Hall. Come at 6:30 to meet members and learn about activities, concerts and new projects we’re considering. Download and print our brochure from our website: quimpergrange.com at the Membership Information tab and mail to:

      Quimper Grange, 1219 Corona Ave, Port Townsend, WA 98368.

      Building Rentals
      Rent our Grange Hall for your event or meeting. We have an excellent air filtration system and a beautiful interior. 

      1. Check our website under “Calendar of Events” to see if the date you want is available.  
      2. Call Doug at 360-531-0326; or write to quimpergrange@gmail.com
      3. An orientation to the building will follow for potential renters.  
      Your support keeps the Grange Hall maintained and open to offer music, dance, community events, and private rentals. Your help also supports the food bank garden with water and electricity bills. Checks made out to “Quimper Grange #720” can be mailed to 1219 Corona Ave, Port Townsend WA 98368.
      See you at the Quimper Grange!