December 2019 Quimper Grange News

  We're wrapping up the year with music and dance!  Come enjoy the new look of the hall, and dance, listen, and play!


December Quimper Grange Events


Jonathon Doyle by Joel Patterson

12/6 7pm i-Pod Shuffle

Jonathon Doyle and Friends   

Couple dancing - swing, waltz, and many more styles.  No partner needed.
By donation

12/8 1pm Old Time Jam
Bring a snack to share if you wish.  $3-$5  

12/13 7pm Balkan Dance Party 

Michael Lawson, David Bilides, and Joe Finn

Dances taught.  Bring a snack to share if you wish. $5-$20

12/15 1pm-3pm  Traditional Song Circle and Jam 
Bring 10 copies of words (with chords if possible) to share. Snacks welcome as well.  $3-$5.

12/15 3:30pm Folk Dance Music Jam   
Bring your music stand!  $3-$5 

12/21 7:30pm Contra Dance

North Beach Drifters  
One of Port Townsend's exceptional contra bands, the North Beach Drifters with Katya Kirsch on banjo, Bobbi Nikles on fiddle, Roland Nikles on guitar and Len Feldman on  concertina bring their warm and  rich music to the Grange for the dancers enjoyment.  Playing traditional tunes as well as their  own compositions their music will charm and light the way out of the darkness on the longest night of the year...Winter Solstice 

Alex MacLeod, calling
Known for his fun and interesting square dance calling, Alex brings clarity and spot-on timing to the art of calling. Expect to dance circles and contras as well as a few squares thrown in to spice it up. He'll be teaching a free half-hour lesson at 7:30 so come early if you are new or would just like a refresher.
 All dances taught.  $6.

12/27 7pm Balfolk 
International partner and line dances. 

This month first hour is Balkan dances followed by polkas, schottishes, boures, waltzes, zwiefacher, troikas, and more, all to live music! Dances taught. $5-$20