Hope you are all well and ok! In these new times it's been great to see people out in their yards and gardens, all the house projects, walking, kayaking and helping neighbors. We are so lucky to be in a relatively safe and very beautiful place!
I miss the concerts, classes, dances, and jam sessions at the Grange, but at least we have a few things going on here!
We have a new swale barrier courtesy of George Yount and Doug Groenig, with holes drilled by Chet Boutilier.
Barbara Tusting has been keeping the weeds at bay.
Volunteers are most welcome! Just let us know via quimpergrange@gmail.com
Our Food Bank Garden produced 218 pounds that went to the PT Food Bank, with 116 hours of volunteer work.
And finally our Safety Committee is working on procedures and researching ventilation for when we do reopen!
'Til we meet in person again,
Sheila Long
Quimper Grange President