Greetings from Quimper Grange
In recent years there has been much discussion about 'next steps' for the old floor. At the January meeting, the group decided it was time to put the money it would take to refinish the floor into the purchase of new flooring to lay over the existing floor. There are specific criteria for the materials to be used, and there will be a presentation of several choices at the next meeting. As a member, this may be one you want to attend! We will keep you informed about the fundraising campaign for the new flooring.
Coming back to the Food Bank garden after the holidays was no picnic. The freezing temperatures were hard to deal with. Still, the garden was able to produce Jo's Salad Mix with some cut-and-come-again lettuces growing in one hoop house, some baby carrots in another, and surprisingly, some radishes that made it through the freezes. We were able to create some Stir-Fry mixes with over-wintered kale, mizuna, chard, arugula, and more carrots. And of course there were herb bundles, mainly with rosemary and thyme.
One of the Food Bank Growers' goals is to recruit more gardens to grow winter vegetables for the food banks - as healthy greens have been in such short supply. In support of this goal, the Grange's 3rd hoop house has been turned into a nursery due to a generous gift the FBG received last year. Volunteers trenched; electricity was installed; and shelving, heat mats, and lights were added. The new greenhouse volunteer already has things sprouting to grow for the gardens and for the FBG’s 2nd Annual Plant Sale.
Volunteers are always welcome at the Grange. There's plenty to do during the winter months with weeding and mulching, the building and grounds. Please contact if you can spare any time.
Doug Groenig
Quimper Grange President