March 2022

Greetings from Quimper Grange

Everyone at the Quimper Grange is looking forward to Spring and we are hoping to successfully and safely transition to more activity at our community meeting hall.

We are pleased to resume concerts and our first will be with…

KELTOI - Celtic Music at its Finest!

Keltoi is: Rich Hill (vocals), Cameron St. Louis (flute, pennywhistle, Scottish small pipes, and vocals), Vienna Scheyer (fiddle) David Rivers (guitar), Dave Bartley (cittern) and Bill Woods (bodhran). Keltoi specializes in Scots Gaelic songs, and their spirited interpretations of Scottish and Irish dance music and soulful vocal harmonies are innovative, entertaining, and uplifting. Ranging from the fiery to the poignant, Keltoi's music reflects the passion and experience of its members. See for music!

Saturday March 26 at 7 pm. Doors open at 6:30pm. Admission $20. For now, masks and proof of vaccination are required. Co-produced by KPTZ

We hope to see you there!

In support of returning activity, we need new flooring. Our plan is to install danceable flooring that will last for decades and require minimal upkeep. We voted to use existing funds and proceed. We will replenish our maintenance reserve with the help of fund raising and donations.

Garden Notes:

The Food Bank Garden has started its season by planting sugar snap peas! As of March 1, you can also plant out fava beans, lettuce, mustard, radishes and turnips from seed; by the end of the month you can add arugula, beets, carrots, rutabaga and Swiss chard. When planting carrots, make sure they’re covered at all times to deter the carrot rust fly. The snap peas will benefit from an inoculant (to add helpful bacteria) and a cover to keep the birds from dining on their winter greens!

Since the Quimper Grange Food Bank Garden grows produce exclusively for the Food Bank, it is our responsibility to spread the word that fresh greens are currently in very short supply at the Food Banks. If you have any over-wintered kale, collards, chard, spinach or any other greens that you can spare, the Grange Garden will gladly get those transported to the Food Banks. Bring them to the garden between 1-3 on Tuesdays. We will wash and prepare these for distribution to anyone in need.

Volunteers are always welcome at the Grange. There's plenty to do during the winter months with weeding and mulching the building and grounds. Please contact if you can spare any time.

Doug Groenig
Quimper Grange President