April 2022

Greetings from Quimper Grange

Quimper Grange is responding to Spring and to the change in Covid regulations with an increase/return of music and dance options, plus other events at our hall. Our first concert on Saturday March 26th was both well received and was very well attended. All the usual chairs, plus nearly all from the storage closet were put to good use by appreciative listeners.

Gerry O'Connor with Richard Mandel
Captivating Traditional Irish Music

Gerry is an amazing award winning traditional Irish fiddle player, he has performed and recorded with his bands La Lugh, Skylark, & Oirialla as well as with the Irish Rovers, Chieftains, Bothy Band, and more. An all-around Renaissance man; Gerry has won many fiddle competitions; he teaches, and he builds fiddles! Accompanying him on his US tour will be guitarist Richard Mandel, who has played with many other well-known Irish artists. Gerry’s tour is supported by Culture Ireland. See gerryoconnor.net for more information about the music.

Thursday April 28 at 7 pm. Doors open at 6:30pm. Admission $20. For now, masks and proof of vaccination are required. Co-produced by KPTZ

Other Events
The Balkan Dance Party returns this month on 4th Fridays at 7 pm. Only $5 and proof of vaccination. Keep checking the Events Calendar (hopefully) soon music jams and other dancing.

Help Rebuild our Floor!
In support of all this activity, we have ordered the needed new flooring. Danceable, LEED certified, and it looks great. Your donation of $125 buys a carton of flooring, or $5 for a square foot – any amount gratefully accepted.

Quimper Food Bank Garden Notes:
A chilly start to Spring still brings much new growth. Pull shot weed NOW before it reseeds everywhere. Other weeds come out easily with their small root mass and wet soil. Some ‘weeds’ are actually edible, and can be made into tasty pesto! Try chickweed pesto, or use other young greens to eat. Recipes at https://www.foodbankgrowers.org/if-you-can-t-beat-it-eat-it

The first giant bumblebees appeared a couple of days ago. These are the queens looking for nest sites. Leave part of your garden undisturbed with extra woody and leafy materials for them, and other beneficial insects to start another generation, and they’ll return the favor by pollinating your fruits, veggies, & flowers.

Plant these seeds outdoors now: beets & spinach; carrots (cover right away against carrot rust fly); potatoes; the onion family; brassicas like mustard, kale, turnips & collards; and peas! And don’t forget herbs like dill, cilantro, fennel, and parsley.

The Food Bank Growers 2nd Annual Plant Sale is coming right up to benefit the twelve gardens that grow for our food banks (Quimper Grange supports one of the oldest). Online presales will be April 18-25; pickup will be Sat Apr 30, 10:00-1:00. The in-person sale and worm bin demo will follow from 1:00-3:00 in the Grange's garden. Come see what the hubbub is all about! Check foodbankgrowers.org for more info.

Volunteers are always welcome at the Grange. There's plenty of outdoor maintenance needed with mowing, weeding and mulching. A work party will be held on Sat, April 16 from 2:00-4:00. Bring water, gloves, and your favorite tools. Goodies will be provided for workers! Contact Barbara at barbaratusting97@gmail.com if you can spare any time, or just show up. Steady rain will cancel.

Doug Groenig
Quimper Grange President