June 2022

Greetings from Quimper Grange

 We hope everyone is doing well. Our focus this year continues to be on keeping our keeping our community-centered building in shape and functioning. We are seeking donations of any amount to replenish the funds spent on the needed flooring and to help with repairs to our ramp/porch entry plus planning for the outside coat of paint. If you are able, please send a check to “Quimper Grange #720, 1219 Corona Ave., Port Townsend WA 98368“.  Haven’t been by to see our hall for yourself in a while? ... Contact Doug via email quimpergrange@gmail.com and arrange a time.

True Life Trio: from Bulgaria to the Bayou
Thursday, June 9 at 7pm.

The True Life Trio’s performances include a mix of a cappella songs and tunes accompanied by fiddle, guitar, accordion and percussion. In any given concert, the trio will sing in more than ten languages, interweaving translations, tales of their travels and background stories that bring this beautiful music to life and demonstrate their passion, joy and humor in singing together.

You can hear samples of their music at Truelifetrio.com
Co-presented with KPTZ.  Admission $20.  Doors open at 6:30, proof of vaccine and masks required.
Other Events
The Balkan Dance Party is planned for twice this month on June 10 and June 24 at 7 pm. Only $5. Proof of vaccination, and masks depending on case count and Jefferson County Health recommendations.

Keep checking quimpergrange.com Events Calendar tab for (hopefully soon) music jams and other dancing.
Consider renting the grange for your event or meeting. We have installed VENTILATION. You can check the website for more info or leave a contact/question message at 360-531-0326,
Volunteers are always welcome at the Grange. There's a year-round supply of outdoor maintenance needed with mowing, weeding and mulching. The ramp and porch need some serious help, so the Grange is looking for decent lumber donations and carpentry skills. Goodies are provided for any work parties! Contact Barbara at barbaratusting97@gmail.com if you can spare any time.
We are also in need of help keeping administrative works going. If you are computer-savvy, help putting out the monthly newsletter via Mailchimp, updating the website (Blogger – html knowledge a huge plus), and bookkeeping are all desired!  Contact us at quimpergrange@gmail.com Thank you!