2023 Greetings from Quimper Grange!!
With our Merv-13 filtration system, we feel confident having our events.
January 19th, 7pm Kalos - Celtic Roots Music with Energy and Pulse
Please stay home if you are not feeling well or may have been exposed!
Please see each event for COVID precautions.
January 11th 7pm Old Time Jam
This month is an open jam. Please bring some tune ideas! $5, Vax or test or mask
January 13 7pm Balkan Dance Party
$5, instruction included, vax or test, masks optional.
Jeremiah McLane, Ryan McKasson, and Eric McDonald are three innovative interpreters and composers of Celtic roots music, and masters of tradition who create a sound compelling enough to transcend boundaries and appeal to music lovers of all stripes.
Doors open at 6:30, $20. Masks required.
See Kalosband.com for more info on the band.
To make a reservation, you mail mail a check in advance to:
Quimper Grange attn: Kalos, 1219 Corona Ave, Port Townsend WA 98368.
Thanks to KPTZ for co-sponsoring!
January 27 7pm Balfolk International Dancing
Live band $5 lessons included
Vax or test, masks optional
Coming soon:
2/2 7pm Sean Gavin and Johnny B Connelly Traditional Irish music at it's best
2/16 7pm Gangspil Lovely and lively Danish music
Food Bank Garden Report
The Quimper Grange Food Bank Garden is thrilled to announce 2022's community contributions of 1779.5# of organically grown produce. 1,662.75# were donated to the Port Townsend Food Bank; 116.75# went to the Recovery Café. Many thanks go to the volunteer crew, who put in 1817 hours of volunteer labor this year, as well as a generous private donation toward an improved irrigation system and soil amendments donated by several local businesses. Volunteers of all abilities are needed in the Food Bank Growers group; information can be obtained by emailing FoodBankGrowers@gmail.com.
Grange Membership
Interested in becoming a member? Our doors open at 6:30pm prior to our meetings, the third Sunday of the month, at 7:00pm at the Quimper Grange hall. Meet some active members and learn about activities and concerts and new projects we’re considering.
You can download and print our brochure from our membership tab on our website
and mail to 1219 Corona Ave, Port Townsend, WA 98368.
Curious about the hall or grounds? Contact Doug at quimpergrange@gmail.com and arrange a time to be shown around.
Building Rentals
Rent our Grange Hall for your event or meeting. We have an efficient air filtration system and a beautiful interior. Check the website for more info or leave a contact/question message at 360-531-0326.
Volunteers are always welcome at the Grange or the Garden. Winter maintenance will include weeding, and mulching, turning compost, tool repair, and other maintenance. If you can share any time, please contact barbaratusting97@gmail.com.
As donations continue to arrive, improvements to the hall can continue. You can see the improvements just in the last few months thanks to donors (and members) like you. Your donations help keep the Grange hall accessible to the community. Checks made out to “Quimper Grange #720” can be mailed to 1219 Corona Ave., Port Townsend WA 98368.