May 2023: Concert, huge sale, cleanup, dances, jam

With our Merv-13 filtration system, we feel confident having our events. Please stay home if you are not feeling well or may have been exposed! See each event for COVID precautions.

Special Events!

Saturday, May 13th 10am- 2pm Multi-Family Sale

Musical instruments and items, tools, kitchen items, vintage and collectibles, yarn, fabric, houseplants, veggie and flower starts, dessert silent auction, kayaks and gear, bicycles, fishing dip nets and more!
Indoors, so rain or shine.

If you would like a 6’ x 30” table it costs $10 per space. Please email us at “Yes sale table” by May 11, and drop the $10 payment off to us by May 11th. Set-up is 8:30 – 9:45 am, doors open 10 - 2. You will need to bring your own change, and please take home whatever doesn’t sell.

If you don’t want to sell anything yourself, you can still help! Good quality new or used goods may be donated to the Quimper Grange to sell as a fundraiser. We will price the items to sell. Anything not sold will be donated to Habitat for Humanity or to Goodwill, and would not be returned.

We will also be having desserts for sale - cakes, pies and cookies. Cakes & pies and any other special dessert will be sold in a silent auction format. If you can make desserts for this please have them wrapped either individually or by the dozen, and on a plate that you don’t need back. Let us know one week in advance for our planning.


Thursday May 25th 7pm House of Hamill Sophisticated Indie Irish Folk
Pennsylvania-based House of Hamill is a fixture on festival stages across the US, and have shared their music and stories on the country’s premier folk stages. Whether they’re ripping through a set of original jigs and reels, adding lush three-part harmonies into traditional folk ballads, or cracking up an audience with stories from the road, Rose Baldino, Caroline Browning, and Brian Buchanan put on a show that captivates audiences from the very first note.

$20 - Doors open at 6:30pm.  Please wear a mask
You may make reservations by sending a check to QuimperGrange attn.Concert 1219 Corona St PT 98368
Co-sponsored by KPTZ -

Future concerts:
6/24, 7pm Varelsa featuring Amy Hakanson ~ Scandinavian and Old Time with a Twist


Grounds Clean Up!

A grounds clean-up party will be held Thurs May 4th, 1:00-4:00 pm. Everyone is welcome. There will be equipment onsite to include mowing, weed-whacking, weeding, mulching, etc. to brighten up the grounds! Delicious snacks provided!
If you can share any time, please contact

Regular Events

Weds May 10 Old Time Jam - 7pm $5 Round-robin – bring tune suggestions!

Friday May 12 Balkan Dance Party - 7pm $5 Dances taught.

Friday May 26 Balfolk International Folkdancing - 7pm $5 Dances taught. Live band!

Learn to Waltz! Partner Dance with Doug & Cheri. 3 Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30. May 16, 23, 30. Registration is open. Contact Masking required (so far). By donation.


Food Bank Garden News
Quimper Grange FB Garden has donated produce and vegetable starts to the far reaches of our county, to include the Eaglemount and Coyle ‘pop up’ food banks. Over 100 families are served in Eaglemount, and 80 in the Coyle area. This helps to provide fresh, organically grown produce to those who can’t make it to their local food banks.

Despite this long, cool spring, you can direct sow beans and peas now. We have just sown spinach, beets, chard, carrots, pole beans and a number of greens. Come join the grow team on Tues or Fri, 1:00-3:00 to have fun, support your community, and share growing secrets. Contact to volunteer in this, or any of the other of our 12 Food Bank Gardens.

Grange Membership
Support your local Grange! Become a member! Keep the doors open to our community! Meetings occur the third Sunday of the month, at 7:00pm at the Quimper Grange hall. Come at 6:30 and meet some of the group, and learn about activities, concerts and new projects we’re considering. Download and print our brochure from our membership tab on our website and mail to: Quimper Grange 1219 Corona Ave, Port Townsend, WA 98368.

Building Rentals
Rent our Grange Hall for your event or meeting. We have an efficient air filtration system and a beautiful interior. Contact Doug at and arrange a time to be shown around. Check the website for more info or leave a contact/question message at 360-531-0326.

Volunteers are always welcome at the Grange or the Garden. Year-long maintenance includes weeding and mulching, turning compost, tool repair, and other tasks. If you can share any time, please contact

As donations continue to arrive, improvements to the hall can continue. You can see the improvements just in the last few months thanks to donors (and members) like you. Your donations help keep the Grange hall open. Checks made out to “Quimper Grange #720” can be mailed to 1219 Corona Ave., Port Townsend WA 98368.